This is my first time playing 3d rpg scifi game without direct help, and yesterday I have to buy that game from store, otherwise I feel guilty for playing such an excellent game without spending a penny on it.
(That is my main character, Rowena Shepard, there aren't many choices for personalizing the character visually, that is the most simple and elegant look I can get. Besides, she looks great in black formal dress from DLC 2 Kasumi's stolen memory with that short curvy black hair and icy green eyes)
I had witnessed my buddy playing this, unfortunately my 3d operating skill stood no chance to complete any mission. I was completely new with the mouse + key 3d moving and rotating thing, it gave me some nasty experience because the rapid rotation made me sick. Now I am good. It is embarrassing to say that my first objective is to experience and learn from the 3d scifi game so I have some idea of scifi concept art, therefore I got access to the save edit and unbeatable mod (such a shame on that) until I fully understand the operation and system.
Since the default is a male, I find the female Shepard acting really...renegade...Her actions and poses are too masculine. Maybe if I come back later I should try male, this will look a lot more natural than female I guess. I would like to have Samara and Liara on my team because I am an asari lover. They have that alienish look yet they are beautiful, I think I cannot resist their charm because they still closely resemble human form. Besides, lots of them have that tight uniform (Yeah...I know Miranda is wearing that too, but she does not seem so attractive, maybe her facial features aren't my type of tea). I would really like to make out with Liara if I choose to be a male Shepard. I guess my buddy and I share the same taste in most cases for women.
I don't have too much to say about weapons, vehicles and environment, since I am almost complete new to these. I cannot help but notice a frequent use of red and blue lights, sometimes very dim and that makes my screen capturing very difficult due to the darkness.
Anyway, it is too late, I will edit later.