

OK I am not into this

Let's put this away for a while and see if I will come back and finish it later


Working very slowing on this

I am too focus on job hunting, not much time left for this...




I heard it is good for lines and watercolor, it is almost a mini version of PS

first SAI sketch and second one




Due to moving, haven't practiced for a while

I don't have my Sketchbook since it is tucked among a bunch of books in my car, so I have to work on tablet. Anyway, I will experiment furthur later on. I feel like I am too old school, I should really incorporate some graphic design elements to enhance the appeal. I will see if I can do 4 to five color versions of that.

And I won't be able to update 2 times a week recently, the moving and other following issues are occuping my time.


I graduate

This week I packed my camera and everything, went for a trip to Waterton, did a few deer sketch but unable to upload.
Funny how the time has tricked me. I always consider myself a student, have a long way towards professional. Dude, but now, Bachlor of Design, I cannot deny the fact that I am a professional since 3rd year, I do not realize it though. At this point, I feel empty about the fact that I learn so little from the school, due to my confusion and vague idea about my ambition.


Studies from reference

Dog Chunli

I must be very bored



Speed Painting

It is a little empty because I don't know what to put and I am not good at city scenes.


These are rushed within 2 days last year, and unfortunately...

Perspectivewise, they are not correct, anatomically, something is wrong. In terms of treatment, uneven. But, as an experimental Project, work out fine.

3rd Year Stuff, I graduate now

I didn't put them on my site and I just found them today. The white Step one is a 3rd picture to the Chinese Physic Service Series.

High School and 1st Year Stuff

I found the pencil sketch for that dog


Studies-dog and 30 sec pose

the pose are referenced from a Japanese 3D model website, they are not as dynamic and accurate as real models, but ok for sketching